三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 後編
Shūseki (III),Toru Horiguchi × Senna Misawa “Sequel”
三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 後編
TALKでは、自らでは語り得なかった考えや思いなどを、SENA MISAWAに関わる人との対談を通して、発掘していきたいと思います。
—前編では三澤さんの堀口切子入社までの道のりなどを中心に、お伺いしました。ここからは、新ブランドSENA MISAWAを立ち上げた経緯と、ブランド立ち上げに対する堀口さん、三澤さんそれぞれの思いをお聞かせください。
堀口:SENA MISAWAブランドの立ち上げには、いくつもの背景が重なり合っているんです。
堀口:今までは、堀口切子=三代秀石堀口徹でした。でもSENA MISAWAという存在が表面に見えてくることによって、「堀口切子ってこんなテイストもいけちゃうんだ」と思ってもらいたい。テイストはかなり違うけど、それでもSENA MISAWAの商品には、自分や堀口切子が作っているものとの共通点が多くあります。自分の教えて来たことや、会社のやり方が活きているというのは、それはそれで本当に嬉しいことだと思いますね。
三澤:そうなんです。SENA MISAWAの商品は、私好みのテイストを取り入れてはいますが、堀口切子イズムは決して失われていません。堀口切子らしさって言葉にはなかなかできないのですが、江戸切子に対する考え方や、何を美しいとするか、などを総じてそう呼んでいます。堀口切子ではみんなが同じ感覚や考えを共有して、理解するということを大切にしているので、それが作ったものに現れると思っています。
堀口:そうだね。だからこそ、SENA MISAWAが会社の一部として存在することに違和感がないんだと思います。
三澤:SENA MISAWAというブランドでは、お客様にも、会社にも、今までとは異なる切り口の提案をして、それを楽しんでもらいたいです。そして、自分が感じている「こんなのも心地よいなぁ」という感覚を、分かってもらえる努力をしていきたいと思います。
Shūseki (III),Toru Horiguchi×Senna Misawa “Sequel”
In TALK, we would like to discover hidden ideas and thoughts through interviews with the people who are involved in the making of SENA MISAWA.
This interview will be moderated and written by Mizuki Onoma.
—In the prequel we have retraced Senna’s path to joining Horiguchi Kiriko. In the sequel, we would like to focus on the story behind the launch of a new brand, and both of your thoughts on SENA MISAWA.
Toru: There were many elements and conditions that led us to make this decision.
Senna: I believe so too. The first time this became an idea was when I entered the New Design Exhibition of Edo Kiriko. I was able to express my taste and style in my piece.
Toru: Yes, that is right. That was when I noticed Senna’s taste, and what she really likes.
—This is about “Capture”, correct?
Senna: Yes, exactly. It was a piece that incorporated non-transparent colours, and matte finishes, which has become one of the prominent features of SENA MISAWA products. It all started from when Toru praised this piece.
Toru: These were ideas that I did not have, and thought it was very interesting. To be honest, I thought “that’s a good one, you got me!”.
Senna: His honest words like those have motivated me very much.
—How did the actual brand launch process go from there?
Toru: It was really just many timings working out perfectly with each other. In order to start a new brand and be successful, the company has to be able to financially support it, and be positive that it can deliver something remarkably different to what we already offer. All of these conditions were fulfilled, so we thought it might be a good time to give it a go.
Senna: Yes, I also understand that this opportunity was given to me because the timing was right.
Toru: In addition to that, Senna effectively communicated with me, and I was able to clearly imagine the new products tha will be make. I felt that we would be able to produce something distinctive.
Senna: We went through so many discussions like “What do you think of this?” and “How about we do it this way?” to create the products. I think we also wanted to show our work to the world as soon as possible, because we felt that it may be something no one has ever tried before.
Toru: Yes, that is also very true. Intrinsically, the making of Edo Kiriko wares is flexible in colour, shape, and purpose. The existing pieces already display the unique tastes of each artisan, but SENA MISAWA’s products are truly original and distinctive. If we sense that this is “good”, they should be out for display to the world immediately.
—I see, so it was not just Senna’s will or Toru’s permission, but also so many conditions combined that allowed for the brand launch to happen.
Senna: Yes, I have often had people saying to me, “Starting your own brand is incredible! Are you running an independent business now?” but the brand is only a part of Horiguchi Kiriko INC., and would have never been possible without the support from Toru and the company. Honestly speaking, I am more excited by the fact that we were able to experiment with something new as a company, rather than having been given the opportunity to produce my own brand.
—I understand. Have you always considered giving your pupils chances like this, Toru?
Toru: I have always wanted my employees to be able to work, thrive in their lives and grow by closely linking their personal goals with their jobs at the company. When Senna joined Horiguchi Kiriko, she mentioned being interested in having her own line of products. I think that was always at the back of my mind.
Senna: For a while after I joined, I used to hope that one day I would make products that incorporate my taste. However, these desires were gradually fulfilled once I started to take glassblowing classes as a hobby. I was also unsure if anyone would care to purchase products that I make, so I began to think it would remain a form of self-satisfaction.
Toru: For me, being able to see new things and getting to know new people and places through creating Edo Kiriko wares is truly pleasurable.
I came to realize that I wanted my pupils to have these precious experiences too. When I saw Senna’s piece, I noticed that this might be the right time.
—What do you think are the pros of starting an in-house brand?
Toru: Before, Horiguchi Kiriko only featured Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi. We hope that the surfacing of SENA MISAWA’s presence would give people the impression that “Horiguchi Kiriko can take on a variety of tastes”. SENA MISAWA’s products are very unique, but there are many common features to my work and the company’s products. I am delighted to know that my teachings and the company’s “ways” are made good use of.
Senna: That is true. The products of SENA MISAWA are made to my taste, but the Horiguchi Kiriko-ism is not forgotten. It is difficult to define Horiguchi Kiriko-ism, but it is a generic term that symbolizes our approach to, and our definition of a beautiful Edo Kiriko ware. We recognize the importance of sharing these senses amongst us, and all employees being on the same page when it comes to our work.
Toru: Yes, I definitely agree. That must be the reason why I feel no discomfort in integrating SENA MISAWA as a part of the company.
—So you are telling me that the brand launch was not only for Senna’s sake, but also for the interest of the company’s growth?
Toru: Yes, I hope it will provide Senna with positive experiences, and will widen the scope for Horiguchi Kiriko’s business.
Senna: I hope that SENA MISAWA will be able to offer a new perspective for both our customers and the company to enjoy. Furthermore, I plan to share my sense of “comfortableness in Edo Kiriko wares” through the brand’s products.