Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi

  • 三代秀石 堀口 徹

1976年、東京都に生まれる。二代目秀石(須田富雄 江東区無形文化財)に江戸切子を師事した後、三代秀石を継承。堀口切子を創業し、日本の伝統工芸士(江戸切子)に認定される。これまでに江戸切子新作展最優秀賞やグッドデザイン賞をはじめ、数々の受賞歴を持つ。また、日本における展覧会のみならず、ニューヨークやパリ、ロンドンなどでも作品を発表。海外でも好評を博し、美術館や博物館に所蔵される。そのほか、有名ホテルの照明やパッケージデザインの監修等も手掛け、ジャンルを超えた幅広い活動を展開。江戸切子の魅力を広めることに尽力しつつ、近年は後進育成にも力を注いでいる。

Born in 1976, in Tokyo. After completing an apprenticeship under the tutelage of the 2nd Shūseki, Tomio Suda (Certified Holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Koto Ward), he inherits his mentor’s title as the 3rd Shūseki. He founds Horiguchi Kiriko and is certified as a Japanese Traditional Artisan (in Edo-kiriko). He has won numerous awards such as Best Prize at the Edo-kiriko New Works Exhibition and the Good Design Award. His works have been exhibited not only in Japan but also all over the world, such as: New York, Paris and London, gaining global acclaim, where his creations are collected by museums.
He has widely expanded his activities beyond usual boundaries, working for example on lighting in luxury hotels and supervising package designs.
While promoting the qualities of Edo-kiriko, he is recently also devoting his efforts on training his successors.



  • 三代秀石 堀口 徹

1976年、東京都に生まれる。二代目秀石(須田富雄 江東区無形文化財)に江戸切子を師事した後、三代秀石を継承。堀口切子を創業し、日本の伝統工芸士(江戸切子)に認定される。これまでに江戸切子新作展最優秀賞やグッドデザイン賞をはじめ、数々の受賞歴を持つ。また、日本における展覧会のみならず、ニューヨークやパリ、ロンドンなどでも作品を発表。海外でも好評を博し、美術館や博物館に所蔵される。そのほか、有名ホテルの照明やパッケージデザインの監修等も手掛け、ジャンルを超えた幅広い活動を展開。江戸切子の魅力を広めることに尽力しつつ、近年は後進育成にも力を注いでいる。

Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi

Born in 1976, in Tokyo. After completing an apprenticeship under the tutelage of the 2nd Shūseki, Tomio Suda (Certified Holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Koto Ward), he inherits his mentor’s title as the 3rd Shūseki. He founds Horiguchi Kiriko and is certified as a Japanese Traditional Artisan (in Edo-kiriko). He has won numerous awards such as Best Prize at the Edo-kiriko New Works Exhibition and the Good Design Award. His works have been exhibited not only in Japan but also all over the world, such as: New York, Paris and London, gaining global acclaim, where his creations are collected by museums.
He has widely expanded his activities beyond usual boundaries, working for example on lighting in luxury hotels and supervising package designs.
While promoting the qualities of Edo-kiriko, he is recently also devoting his efforts on training his successors.